If I had a “puppy book,” I would record this milestone in it. Archie lifted his leg while peeing for the first time yesterday. Granted, it was purely for convenience–he was so close to a bush that he couldn’t put his back leg down and resumed the squatting position the very next time–but it made me proud nonetheless! (I even called Don from my cell phone to tell him his boy was growing up.) While we’re on the subject of bathroom habits, Archie is also a walking pooper, which makes it extremely challenging to properly clean up after him, especially when it’s dark (sorry, neighbors!).

Another big event in the life of my puppies (or at least the girl puppy) will happen on Tuesday. She’ll be groomed for the first time. I’m nervous because they may need to clip a lot off because of mats. I’m nervous because she and Archie will be separated for the first time. I’m just plain nervous. Tuesday will be a very long day!

We also had our second Puppy Socialization class last night and the teacher used both Archie and Daisy as examples. Before you think it’s because they are the smartest students in the class, it’s really only because we sit up front … and they were convenient! However, we did practice “sit” in class yesterday, and they’ve both already mastered that skill, even at corners before crossing the street. We showed the other dogs how to do it!

Last update: We got a new crate mat, and with it, came a tug-of-war rope. They loved it! It was the toy of the hour until Daisy started hacking as if she had gotten a piece of rope stuck in her throat. The rope went to the “maybe later” pile, along with a spongey football, collars a size too big and very hard chew toys.